I am an actor, filmmaker and intrepid adventurer living in San Francisco. I grew up in Butler, Pennsylvania, the middle child of three brothers, in a family of French Canadians, which is how I acquired my peculiar sense of humor. I homeschooled with my brothers for six years, raising animals and criss-crossing the country on educational road trips and hitting some 47 states before being reintroduced to society and public education in 9th grade.
Shy by nature, I found my expressive outlet on the stage, where I became a seasoned veteran of many a high school musical. But when I wasn’t rehearsing, I counted the days until I could leave my conservative hometown to come out and be my true self. I found my escape by attending college at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut where I switched tracks to follow my passion for the art of cinema, earning a degree in Film Studies.
After graduating in 2004, I left for the Peace Corps in Burkina Faso, West Africa, where I served as a Health Education volunteer in a small village of 1500 inhabitants. I passed the time dreaming of an ocean-side utopia with beautiful scenic hills in cooler climes, which is how I came to move to San Francisco in 2006, where I continued to pursue my passions for acting and film.
My mission as a filmmaker and actor is to put my heart into everything I do, to tell beautiful stories that speak truth to the human experience, that are bold and daring, spirited and spiritual, funny, sexy and creative. My hope is to create work that touches those who see it, and puts love and laughter out into the world.
When I’m not working on the stage or silver screen, you will most likely find me happily hiking a trail and soaking in the scenery in one of the many beautiful parks in California.
Photo by Duane Cramer